
pin until 11 march

Orange Puffle now OFICIAL!

Wow it is soo cool and playful!I like it so much!please subscribe

secrets of sport catalog


Puffle party!!!!

club penguin main page with puffle party view
puffle party main room(pet shop)
puffle party outdoor room 1(the plaza)
puffle party outdoor room 2(forest)

puffle party pirates puffles room(the cove)
puffle party battle room
puffle feedidng room

puffle party outdoor room3(the town)puffle party dancing room(night club)
puffle party outdoor room4(the dock)
puffle party outdoor room5(the beach)
puffle party painting room(that is me and yes i was blue)puffle party beacon
puffle party outdoor room6(sky village)
puffle show
puffle party mine main roompuffle party under groun poolpuffle party under groun pool(windows closed)
puffle party iceberg
my igloo(having a puffle party)


the news i know are that the flags of the countries are free for all!

secrets of clothes catalog


pin and way to king room at the stage play

the new golden feather pin is the way to king room in the new stage play(secrets of bamboo forest)
just one click to the green part after you get pin and a magical bridge will appear and the part in front of the throne will open with a pheonix background

Miestery of HQ

you see that camera? where it could be placed as shorcut to go....? comment!

my conection bloked and look the results. he is still in air and if i didn't close the game i could now be waiting and waiting...... .comment

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