a red mining hat? i know how to get it. if you been playing CPIP(Club Penguin Improvment Proiect witch is closed now) you automatically get it in items.comment

party made by vlad holban 2009. i was invited to a party so i accepted. these are photos.we are: toddy vladh2009 and minut1(me)

my new igloo(puffle tree house)

a new igloo with a lot of puffles and puffles furnitures. it have a secret too.

the event at night club

this is the event of january 29 at night club. when in night club are eough penguins the room begin be as that image and when are more penguin in room after that it is colored.comment

my new igloo(super restaurant)

3 of me at a time and a secret in my igloo.comment!

i see that you couldn't find my secret so i maket i hidden a box to box dimension behind the fridge and one of the coockers.

my new igloo(super rock-teather)

this is my new igloo created on 29 january 2010 1:00 PM

one unknowed little party

I was in lighthouse and there was a little-band-party and i would sing at drums and i made it. we could be a great band but... i cannot know if they will change their mind....

the new cave part

22 January
dig there to get the pin and way to next parthere(part 2) you can buy a deep sea diving suit and get underwater(you can get underwater without any clothes)

last part of secret(new) cave. here you can get a free background and have some parties!

please comment

29 January
now im sorry for this but i see that cave is closed for safe...

...and i made this face....

...but i continued play and i begin be normal again.

secrets of igloo catalog

secrets of furniture catalog

secrets of sport catalog

secrets of sport catalog(january)

pin until 28 january

location of pin untill 11 february.

secret of costume catalog



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