
New,dont know how to make an account? watch this post

How to make a club penguin acount(ask your parents if you can,before making one): 7 easy steps

1. open your web browser

2. type www.club penguin in link bar

here its how it looks

3. click play now

4.click create a penguin

5.if you agree the rules and you will respect them,click the boxes below and continue

6.give your penguin a name and a color

7.make a password for your penguin(never tell it) and give your or your parents e-mail(ask parrents for e-mail and if they let you).
press continue,wait an emai from club penguin to activate your account(e-mail should be arrived in your inbox in 10 minutes or less)
This is it!you have an club penguin account! check our blog for news and cheats,until then,waddle on!


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